2019年1月31日(木)、2月1日(金) 10:00-16:45
筑波大学 東京キャンパス 文京校舎 122講義室
東京都文京区大塚 2-29-1
地下鉄丸ノ内線茗荷谷駅下車「出口1」徒歩2分程度, アクセス
Pierre Jolivet 博士 (IRIT-ENSEEIHT, フランス)
FreeFem++はパリ第六(ピエールマリーキュリー)大学のJ.-L. Lions研究所の F. Hecht教授らによる有限要素法ソフトウェアパッケージです. 弱形式の離散化プロセスを専用のスクリプト言語とデータ構造で非常に簡単に記述することができます.
3 次元問題の有限要素計算では領域の四面体分割と大規模連立一次方程式の効率的なソルバーが必要ですが, FreeFem++ではダイナミックローディング機能により外部プログラムに接続することができます.
FreeFem++開発チームのメンバーの Pierre Joliviet 博士を講師にお招きし, ご自身が開発されている領域分割法のHPDDMライブラリーと偏微分方程式向け線形/非線形方程式のソルバーのライブラリーであるPETScをFreeFem++から利用して分散並列環境で3次元計算を実現する方法について説明いただきます.
(FreeFem++) http://www.freefem.org/ff++/
1月31日(木曜)10:00 – 16:45
2月1日(金曜)10:00 – 16:45
参加される方は 参加登録フォーム より事前に参加登録をお願い致します。
[Introduction to FreeFem++]
The finite element method is a powerful mathematical tool for solving a wide variety of partial differential equations. It may be used to tackle problems defined on two- or three-dimensional domains defining complex geometries, using different finite element spaces. In this first part of the tutorial, I will present FreeFem++, a domain specific language that is used to easily manipulate objects involved in any finite element analyses such as: mesh, finite element space, sparse matrix yielded by the discretization of a variational formulation, or vector.
[Simple parallelism with FreeFem++]
There is no seamless parallelism in the FreeFem++ kernel, but its simple data structures make it possible to interface various part of the finite element method to other parallel third-party libraries. In particular, it will be shown in this part of the tutorial how to improve the performance of scripts by changing the default linear solver to better exploit multicore architectures. We will also have a first look at distributed-memory parallelism in FreeFem++ and explain how a variational formulation may be discretized in a parallel fashion.
[Advanced parallelism with FreeFem++]
The last part of the tutorial deals with large-scale computations using the distributed-memory parallelism of FreeFem++ to its fullest extent. In particular, two linear algebra backend interfaced with FreeFem++ will be presented. The first one, HPDDM, is focused on domain decomposition methods, and may be used to define one- or two-level domain decomposition preconditioners, with either overlapping or nonoverlapping subdomains. The second one, PETSc, ships with various preconditioners such as the block Jacobi method, algebraic multigrid methods, and such. Lately, its interface in FreeFem++ has been extended to be able to define physics-based preconditioners as well as distributed block matrices.
[Note to attendees]
For all lectures, scripts will be provided to follow along. In order for the attendees to run them on their own laptop or computers, a recent FreeFem++ installation is needed. For the first two lectures, there are available executables for Windows or macOS on the website http://www.freefem.org/ff++. For the last lecture, it is mandatory to use the develop branch of the FreeFem++ repository https://github.com/FreeFem/FreeFem-sources/tree/develop.